
The goal of this projcet was to create a great online learning experience for employees in the financial industry. It was a freelance project I worked on for a short time, and I collaborated with PM and an UI design contractor.



My Contribution

Freelance Project

3 Weeks
Jan 2020

I converted PM's research results into prototypes

UX Designer

Project Type



FinLearning is an employee online learning solution for the finantial industry

It provides financial companies courses for employee training, the tools for employees to learn, and a management system for managers to track study conditions.


Design the video learning experience From scratch

The video learning experience is the most important experience for the user end. The user's learning effect will directly influence clients' satisfaction with our product and decide if they buy or keep using our product. I designed the whole Finlearning platform, but I would like to share my thoughts on this one experience.

Design Goals

Three Key design goals derived from user research

Help user focus

a. The videos provided are usually long and users can easily get lost.

b. Target users are busy and don't have the time to rewatch the video. Focus means efficiency.

Help User understand

Courses in the financial industry can be hard to understand and we need to make it more digestible.

Help users Take Notes

Users take notes to prepare for the later exam, but note-taking is very time-consuming.

Synthesis about users

The key design goals was set accroding to user needs.




Align the team's understanding of users.


Data Resource

The research notes from the PM.

Key features

provide Content Outline

The outline was integrated into the video progress bar and the Notes. Users can click a bullet point in it to jump to that section.

As users are studying a section, its corresponding note area for the section will open and users will naturally take notes under that bullet point.

The design goals it helped to achieve:

Help users focus

Help users understand

Help users take notes


Quick save to notes

the design Process

Initial Design

The first Verson Design

There are many mature online learning platforms. After comparing and analyzing the pros and cons of 5 platforms' design, I designed the first version for our product.

The first version design

User Feedback: Hard to focus and don't really help to understand

Design is biased, so the first thing I did after prototyping was to test if meet user needs and achieve design goals. I asked 4 users to try the prototype and rate in which degree each design goal was met (0-5). Their feedback iterated my understanding of users and helped me identify problems.

User Testing Feedback Brief

Iteration of the second design goal

HMW make the course easier to understand when we cannot control the content?

The solution I had to this problem was to provide the outline (bullet points) of a class, so users have a basic understanding of a course and it can be easier to follow.

Provide class content bullet points to users

Iteration of the first design goal

How might we help users be focused?

Secret 1: Only Display information needed in the context

Base on my knowledge of users, I divided user scenarios to be 3 and decided the information needed for each scenario. In this way, we hide the unwanted information and complexity from users.

Three scenarios and information to display in each

Secret 2: Prioritize the information in each scenario

In each scenario, users see different information and have different goals, so I prioritized information to make sure users can easily find the information needed in a particular scenario.

Information prioritization in three scenarios

Secret 3: Explore the layout Possibilities

There's a quote I love, "If you have literally tried every possible variation, you will have come across the best solution." So I tried all the possible ways the information can be put.

When Users Are In Focused learning

I started from the scenario with minimum and the most important information. The design exploration of knowledge outline helped me to come up with the innovative and widely-loved ways to provide that information -- in notes and progress bar -- and fully demonstrated design exploration's value!

Layout explorations of video player and notes

Layout explorations of class outline

When Users Are In Default Mode

I had set the main layout when I was designing the Focused Learning mode, so the Default Mode design part, I fit in the information one by one into the current layout according to their importance. Here is an example of the design explorations of the placement of the navigation bar.

Layout explorations of course navigation information

The final prototype of course navigation interaction

FInal design & feedback

🎉 Users found the new design surprisingly Intuitive and effecient!

With the iterated design, I went to users for another time. With limited time, I talked to 2 users and both of them were very excited about the new design.


Next Steps

Build MVP to Test the value of notes & class outline

Although we believe note-taking is a critical need for our target user base on our research results, we still want to keep a close eye on the data and conduct user research to see if users really use it.
The class outline feature was warmly welcomed by users, but it requires much manual effort to attach bullet points to the video timeline. So we want to validate its value before we invest in more resources.

my Takeaway

Keep an open ear is critical in B2B design

Different from B2C design scenarios, designers don't use the product we are designing and we know nothing about users' workflow, habit, and needs in B2B design. We must have an open ear to listen to users and product managers. For example, in the beginning, I didn't see the mobile version an important use case, because our videos are long, hard, and it is not convenient to study on phone. But as I dug deeper into user workflow, I found that some of them only have time to study on their way home, and mobile version design should be very important as well.

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